Virtual Coaching

We see you and know you’re tired. Our sleep coaching services are always conducted virtually and tailored to your family's individual needs. We offer calls + advanced support packages. Let’s begin!

Sleep Calls

If you are ready to move forward, have specific questions or concerns you would like answered and understand our approach to sleep without sleep training, these calls are a great option. Please note, these appointments do not include follow-up support, and we connect over the phone or Zoom (you choose!). You will have an opportunity to share your primary concerns and any other relevant information upon booking. Perfect for parents of all ages.

Sleep Packages

Email Consultation

If you have specific questions you would like answered or would simply like reassurance that you’re on the right track, email consults are a wonderful option (and one of our most popular!).


  • includes a thorough analysis of your intake form, including sleep + feeding logs (you will receive your form shortly after you make your purchase)

  • detailed email back to you, including what can shift to help you reach your goals + education on what is healthy + normal

  • up to five questions answered + additional handouts and/or other references included (if applicable)

  • once the completed intake form is received, you will receive your email within four full business days


Extended Coaching Package


This package was created for families seeking extended 1-1 support. Together we will work towards more sleep, + we will guide you in making changes to things that are no longer working for your family while keeping the pieces of your routine you love. This package can be for anyone but is ideal for families with babies/toddlers 6 months + older (up to 2 years).


  • includes a review of your intake form + feeding/sleep logs (you will receive your form shortly after booking)

  • 45-minute initial sleep consultation

  • a written summary of calls

  • discussion of developmentally appropriate sleep expectations + gets to the root of why your baby is waking

  • 3x30 minute follow-ups to assess progress. We make adjustments together as needed to help you reach your goals. These follow-ups must be completed within the time frame discussed with our team during your initial call.

Cost: $330 CAD (+ applicable tax)